Build a roadmap for your business
If you're primed and ready to unlock the potential of your business, we specialize providing you with the tools and insights to get to your destination with ease.

How can we help you?
Bookkeeping & payroll
We'll take care of the nuts and bolts for you with a beautifully designed and maintained Xero-based accounting system.
Business strategy & alignment
This is the heart and soul of our work. We'll embark on a journey with you to identify and attain the business and personal goals that are most meaningful to you.
Year-end financials, corporate tax returns, and the other stuff you need to stay compliant. We've got your back on this.
Technology consulting
Tech is here to stay. You might as well let it save you some time and expense. Let us help you pick the right solutions for your business.
Ready to rock?
Use this contact form or email We'll get back to you within 2 business days to ask a few questions and book a meeting. We're so excited to meet you!

AQ? (any questions?)
Why should I choose Accounting for Humans?
We're all about connecting and supporting passionate small business owners. Come talk with us and we'll help you decide if we're a good fit for what you're doing.
What types of businesses or industries do you specialize in?
Our typical clients are small businesses with between $300k and $2m in revenue. We're not laser-focused on any specific industries, but our services tend to benefit these folks the most: retail, e-commerce, service professionals, restaurants (including franchises), beverage producers (alcoholic or non-alcoholic!), fitness, and wellness.
If you don't fit into any of those boxes, we'd love to talk to you anyways and see how we can help.
How much will this cost?
The best way to find out is to schedule a discovery call with us. We can help you identify the services that will be most impactful for you, and customize the level of service to your budget.